Sunday, January 24, 2016

Personalised & Holistic Health Consultations.

Specialized Alternative Medicine: Treatment of acute and chronic diseases including CRF, Gout, OA, Rheumatoid Arthritis, high cholesterol, and geriatric illnesses.
Wellness sessions, talks & workshops, nutrition consulting-oriental diet, detox, illness-related excercise coaching and personalized holistic consultations.
Workshops on nutrition, illness-related excercises, prevention of obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension and DM type-2.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Homeopathy and CKD

There are certain misconception regarding the homeopathic management of CKD. Prevalent idea is that it is disastrous to go for homeopathic management. Facts are only otherwise.

Through homeopathic management, a reduced kidney function upto a serum creatinine level of about 4mg/dl seems reversible. Further, the reduced kidney function upto a serum creatinine level of about 7mg/dl can be improved upto the level of about 4mg/dl which is thereafter sustainable at this level.

The role of homeopathic management in CKD has been underestimated so far. As a result, a large section of the world population who suffer from CKD at various stages but cannot afford high cost of treatment at allopathy hospitals  are deprived from a useful treatment in homeopathy.

Each and every country should take notice of this issue of kidney care for welfare of a large section of their underprivileged population who are deprived of much useful homeopathic treatment at an affordable cost because of either misinformation or lack of awareness.