Sunday, October 4, 2015

What are superfoods?

No foods are actually categorised as superfoods by USDA or FDA.
These are terms used to market a certain food item and what is not easily available or sourced from different geographical locations.

Any unprocessed food rich in vit.C, E, beta carotene, low inflammation factor and decent fibre can qualify as a superfood.

Foods high on glycemic index, foods containing trans fats and saturated fats can never qualify as superfoods.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Homeopathy and Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA ) is a chronic, systemic, progressive and an autoimmune disease. Its early symptoms include inflammation and pain in
 smaller joints. Gradually, it spreads to larger joints and also other organs. Inflammation occurs in tendons, ligaments and muscles around joints. It usually starts from the age of 40 to 60 years except juvenile cases. It is a major cause of disability in large population all over the world. Unless proper treatment is taken in early stage, the prognosis is not good. Heredity and environmental factors seem to be cause of the ailment.

In allopathic system of medicines, it is treated with first line of treatment with fast acting antiinflammatory and analgesic drugs like corticosteroids and NSAIDs in short term and then with second line of treatment by slow acting disease modifying agents DMARDs on long term.

Homeopathy medicines can well manage RA illness on long term basis. Great advantage is that it is done without side effects unlike other medications. The disease course is erratic and runs on flare-ups and remissions which are dependent on several factors like hereditary miasm, types of diet, lifestyle, stress, pollutions in environment, weather condition, day cycle and moon cycle.

Immune function disorder is at root of the disease manifestation when lmmune cells and antibodies attack the body's own joint tissues which are involved in inflammation. In homeopathy, two types of medication are effective for RA. In acute stage of the illness, fast acting medicines like Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Ledum etc are useful. For chronic state of the disease, the constitutional, nosode and totality of symptoms medicines are very effective from time to time. The objective is to bring the disorderly and confused state of immune system back into order and then illness is remitted.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Second most prevalently used therapeutic system.

Homeopathy is a 200 year old system of medicine that thrives throughout Europe, India and South America.The World Health Organisation recognises it as the second most prevalently used therapeutic system in the world. It is a natural health care system that derives most of its remedies from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. It can be safely and effectively used as independent medicine or alongside conventional medications in both acute and chronic diseases.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Treatment results are sustainable

Frequently asked questions from the patients to the homeopathic physicians are whether it is possible to manage a patient well for a long time through homeopathy medicines with or without the help of mainstream medicine (allopathy ) in cases of incurable and serious chronic diseases like chronic renal failure, cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. Meticulous follow-ups show that the answer to the above query is reasonably a yes if appropriate homeopathic medication is provided. Homeopathy treatment results of improvement in these patients are sustainable for that particular disease. For instance, a chronic renal failure patient with Creatinine greater than 7mg/dl is maintaining Cr at around 3mg/dl  for more than a year now only with homeopathy medicines without mainstream medication including hemodialysis. Another patient with Cr greater than 5mg/dl is maintaining Cr at around 1.5mg/dl only with the help of homeopathy medicines. A cancer patient is free of malignancy for more than twenty years. These patients have also holistic improvements.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Holistic Medicine

Homeopathy, a holistic treatment modality, personalises each and every healing aspect. It aims to heal the whole rather than suppress symptoms. A holistic homeopathic approach relieves symptoms, modifies contributing factors and improves the patient's current ill condition to optimize his or her wellbeing. It balances various aspects of human experience i.e..physical , mental and emotional health.The results are sustainable.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homeopathy : disease reversal with natural medicine

Human longevity can be  increased if the aging process can be delayed or to some extent reversed. Even if the symptoms of chronic diseases in old age can be alleviated or prevented, there is enough possibility of increasing the life span. It is not a single chronic disease that affects the old age. It is actually a group of chronic diseases that adversely affect the old age, leading to gradual deterioration of health. Mostly, these diseased are interrelated and appear on the basis of one's genetic predisposition. Homeopathic  medicine represents a group of chronic diseases which generally appear in a susceptible body constitution. A good example is the medicine Calcarea carbonica constitution which is genetically predisposed to develop obesity, hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, gall bladder stones, cancer, heart conditions etc. If this group of chronic conditions can be prevented or alleviated by homeopathy medicines in old age, it is likely to increase the life span as well as health span ( disease free period ) of that person. Similarly, there are other homeopathic constitutions which can develop different groups of chronic diseases that can be carried to or appear in old age. Therefore, homeopathy medicines have greater potential to treat and tackle the old age chronic diseases and to help enhance longevity. In this objective, however, the approach should be holistic combining homeopathy, healthy diet and enough physical activity.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Lactose intolerance

Symptoms: diarrhoea,gas,bloating,nausea,vomiting and abdominal cramps.The signs usually begin within 30 minutes to two hours of consuming a milk product.
People with severe lactose intolerance must check the nutritional label for the following: whey,curds,milk by products,lactose,dry milk solids,non fat dry milk powder.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Diet and Diabetes

About 29 million people in America suffer from diabetes. Also 51% of people of age 65 and above have  pre-diabetes.
37% of adults over age 20 have pre-diabetes.
People who consume more meat are likely to be more prone to diabetes. On the other hand, a plant based diet (early human diet ) improves blood sugar, body weight, blood pressure and cholesterol, all at the same time.
Plant based foods are typically low in fat, high in fibre and complex carbohydrates. Low fat foods also help  to reduce intercellular lipid accummulation.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homeopathy and Chronic kidney disease

Roughly 800-1000 people per 10 lacs population suffer from chronic renal disease in India. If diagnosis is done at an early stage, homeopathy can reverse the disease. It has been observed in many cases of early to middle stage chronic kidney disease that homeopathy has reversed the disease and the patients are doing well. The homeopathy treatment is also highly cost effective, compared to dialysis which may cost about Rs. 25000 to 30000 per month. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Immune suppression and Homeopathy

In many cases where immune suppression is a treatment of choice in allopathic medicatIon it is observed that homeopathy medication when given side by side with this allopathic modality the patient responds effectively towards curative pathways. It shows that the human body has innate ability to work along multiple pathways simultaneously to respond for it's well being and survival.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Enormous burden of diabetes in India

India has around 60 million diabetics,with nearly 2 million additions every year.             That is why, it is known as diabetes capital of Asia. Changes in lifestyle are the main reasons for the increased incidences of diabetes. Higher intake of fast food, high calorie diet,  trans fat, saturated fat and polished grains, lesser physical activity and higher incidences of obesity are important factors that are contributing to the rise of diabetic population.      
Timely intervention, care and lifestyle modification can prevent diabetes and its related complications like heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, kidney damage and many other serious disorders.                                                                     

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Homeopathy manages chronic kidney disease well

Chronic kidney disease is a silent killer. Almost 10% of   population may have chronic kidney disease (CKD). Early CKD has practically no signs or symptoms. It often can destroy 90% of the kidney function before symptoms appear. That is why, most of the cases of CKD go undiagnosed in early stage. Advanced CKD may show signs of fatigue, swollen ankle, poor appetite, difficult concentration, foamy urine, nausea etc. Ultrasound (whole abd) and blood test ( renal function ) help to diagnose the problem. History of the patient like hypertension,, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, smoking, long use of pain killer medication, family history of kidney disease etc are also important and to be noted. Homeopathy medicines play an important role in managing the chronic kidney disease. It has been observed that even with serum Creatinine greater than 7 mg/dl, homeopathy medicines repair and reverse the kidney damage without the help of dialysis for long term management.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kidney failure and homeopathy

Homeopathy medicines work well in chronic kidney failure. A young woman of 35 years of age had kidney failure for one year. Her creatinine level was 5 mg/dl. She had also high B.P. Allopathic doctor advised for dialysis. She came for homeopathic treatment. She was given homeopathic medication. After one month, her creatinine level came down to 1.47 mg/dl.