Saturday, December 22, 2012

Lung cancer risk from one's work environment

Lung cancer risk increases from one's work environment containing carcinogenic smoke, dust or chemicals. For example, two elderly persons who were treated for lung cancer worked in coal mine areas and one in chromium and nickel mine areas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Role of Homeopathy medicines in advanced cancer

In most cases of Stage-3 and Stage-4 cancers, conventional therapies like radiotherapy/chemotherapy are not able to totally eliminate the presence of malignant tumours. Even after these intensive  therapies, aggressive tumours regress by about 30 to 40% on the lower side or about 80 to 90% on the higher side. After a period of remission which may vary from some months to a few years, residual malignant cells start regrowth. Objective of homeopathic medication after  intensive therapies is to gradually diminish and eliminate the residual tumours. This is done in a holistic way. Homeopathy medicines bring  therapeutic actions by  increasing the body's immunity, reducing blood flow and energy supply to  the residual tumour, softening the tissue growth and eventually  eradicating the malignancy which had been observed even in Stage-3 cancer.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Homeopathy medicines diminish cancer tumour

Homeopathy medicines tend to work in several  ways to diminish cancer tumour. Some  medicines seem to reduce  blood supply and energy supply to the tumour and consequently  diminish the growth size. In some cases, medicines directly break the tumour and cause drainage of the material. In some other cases, tumour is gradually absorbed in the body after application of medicines.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cancer and Key symptoms

Even at Stage-3 or Stage-4 of the disease, some Cancer cases retain some very characteristic symptoms of homeopathy medicines which are able to provide considerable  recovery. Those characteristic symptoms belong to either physical level or mental level. One-sided chronic disease seems to be very less unless it is Stage-4 in cancer. A right medicine does not work deeply or for long time does not mean that it is a one-sided chronic disease. The reason for resistance lies somewhere else which needs to be addressed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lung Cancer and Homeopathy

Lung cancer responds to homeopathy medicines preventing recurrence, metastasis,  reducing lesion, increasing longevity and improving quality of life. Response is well even at stage-3 of the disease unless the case had been spoiled by over-medication from chemotherapy/radiotherapy or some other medicines. At stage-4, you can minimize  progression of the disease and provide symptomatic relief to the patient with homeopathy medicines. Natrum mur and Arsenic album are two constitutions which are prone to develop lung cancer from excess smoking or use of tobacco in some other forms.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gallbladder cancer susceptibility and Homeopathy

Advanced stage gall bladder cancer with poor prognosis responds to homeopathy medicines improving longevity and quality of life. Calcarea carb, Kali carb, Natrum mur and Arsenicum album are four important homeopathic constitutions which are susceptible to usually develop gall bladder cancer. Stage-3 cases are also managed well by homeopathy medicines.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Excessive medication spoils most cancer cases

Excessive use of conventional medication like radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy or steroids employed with a view to giving a better relief eventually work in adverse ways reducing quality of life as well as longevity of most cancer patients. It is not that all cancer cases become one-sided chronic disease of homeopathy. Even up to Stage-3 of the disease, you can elicit symptoms of well-defined homeopathy medicines which are effective. Only things that happen are that symptoms come from different organs which have been affected by metastasis. Excessive conventional medications destroy body's immunity and deprives it to take care of its own for  recovery.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Breast cancer susceptibility and Homeopathy

Breast cancers commonly occur in women after 35 years of age. But 8-10% of the cases also occur in younger women who are less than 35 years of age. Under this situation, prevention becomes an important concern. Majority of the breast cancers are estrogen hormone sensitive. About 10% of breast cancers are due to defect in genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 which are inherited  from mother to daughter. These cases are more chemotherapy-sensitive while the hormone-sensitive cases are more chemotherapy-resistant. Homeopathic constitutions which are prone to develop breast cancer in women include Pulsatilla, Natrum mur, Sepia and Calcarea carb. Homeopathy medicines help and work in holistic ways to treat breast cancers, including  hormone-sensitive cases.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ovarian cancer and Homeopathy

Ovarian cancer is an aggressive form of cancer and one of the leading causes of death in women. Mutations in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes are responsible for many of these  cases. Almost 75% of the cases are diagnosed  only at stage-3 or stage-4 condition when the probability of cure is very less. The symptoms are non-specific abdominal complaints like bloating of abdomen, loss of appetite, indigestion, lower abdomen pain or heaviness, or some urinary complaints like urgency or frequency of urination, or abnormal menstrual bleeding. Clinical experiences reveal that Calcarea carb is a leading homeopathic constitution which is genetically prone to develop ovarian cancer in women.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Manage Cancer in 3 effective ways

Homeopathically, you can manage cancer in three effective ways. These are genetic medication, systemic medication and localized medication. Cancer may originate in a single cell but it has always a tendency to multiply, travel and invade. These are inherent qualities of cancer cell. We need genetic medication to cut down on these qualities. Though cancer originates in a localized area, soon it spreads to nearby and distant locations in a stealthy manner taking the form of a systemic ailment. Three types of medication thus are needed to successfully manage cancer in a holistic way.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Other controlling parameters for cancer curability

Apart from susceptibilities, other controlling parameters which determine the curability of  cancer include the size of the growth, nature of the spread (metastasis), degree of organs damage, gene characteristic and vital strength of the affected person. Also exceedingly important is monstrous nature of the disease which defies all normal  biological principles of  growth and death. It wants itself to remain immortal but at the same time likes to cut short the life of its host as early as possible. The battle against it is thus extremely challenging for humanity.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Relative curability in Cancer

 Degree of susceptibility is one of the key parameters in controlling  relative curability in cancer. It can be for any type of cancer. Susceptibility is of two types, namely,  chronic susceptibility and acute susceptibility. The former is constituted of genetic characteristics of the person while the latter includes  various kinds of environmental  factors  which occur  along the way as  triggers and  blocks as the illness  makes  progression  from its insitu stage to invasive stage.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homeopathy medicines increase platelet count

Chelidonium is one of the homeopathy medicines, which increases the declined platelet count post-chemotherapy in cancer.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cancer radiotherapy and homeopathy

Homeopathy medicines inducted soon after the completion of radiotherapy help to reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and to gain overall health and well-being of the patients.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A highly vulnerable cancer constitution

Calcarea carb is a highly vulnerable cancer constitution. It is one of the most basic human constitutions from the days of  evolution. It is a naive constitution. It has remained genetically less modified in every community across the globe for generations and years. It has not developed much survival strategies, genetically. Hence, it has more vulnerability  to many of  critical illnesses,  including cancer. More cases of  cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart diseases are found in Calcarea carb constitution in every society. Clinical experiences show that it is susceptible to development of nasopharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, tongue cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and  uterine cancer.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Underdiagnosis or overconfidence adversely affect cancer prognosis

Underdiagnosis can severely affect the prognosis of a cancer. A metastatic oral cancer was treated with surgery and radiotherapy. It reappeared aggressively after about 3 years. Then, it was treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy which badly worsened the situation. It appears underdiagnosis or overconfidence at the beginning led to not using chemotherapy which adversely affected recurrence and morbidity.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Homeopathic management of tongue cancer

Tongue cancer is a kind of oral cancer and more common in men. It usually occurs after 40 years of age. Two main risk factors for tongue cancer are tobacco and alcohol abuse.A tongue cancer which was diagnosed as metastatic squamous cell carcinoma  and treated with surgery and radiotherapy had recurrence after about 3 years. Then, it was treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It again flared up after 1 year  and was presented for homeopathic management. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Transformation of laryngeal keratosis into invasive cancer

A case of laryngeal keratosis was transformed into metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in period of 3 years on tobacco chewing in a middle aged man.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cancer chemotherapy and homeopathy medicines

Homeopathy medicines inducted in the intervening periods of chemotherapy doses provide significant relief to  the cancer patients by reducing the adverse effects of chemotherapy, maintaining normal blood profile and restoring general health and well-being.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Homeopathy medicines manage thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is more common  malignancy  in women. It usually affects after the age of 40 years. In  case of a thyroid cancer, a post-menopausal Calcarea  carbonica woman had follicular carcinoma. She had goitre,  thyroid nodule, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, swelling of the left neck, occasional cough,  loss of appetite, excessive  anxiety and history of severe mental trauma. She was treated and managed with homeopathy medicines which relieved not  only her troublesome symptoms reducing the tumour but also helped her to achieve  disease-free survival for more than 12 years, now. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Homeopathy medicines manage tachycardia well

Heart conditions like sinus or atrial tachycardias are faster heart rates usually more than 100 beats per minute whether in young or elderly people. Sinus tachycardia is often a compensatory response to circulatory system in conditions like anaemia, blood loss, fever, pain, exertion, anxiety etc. On the other hand, atrial tachycardia is often related to structural heart diseases like atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart disease etc. and also lung diseases. However, both the conditions of tachycardia, acute or chronic, can be well managed by homeopathy medicines and more so in a highly cost-effective way.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Homeopathy for laryngeal keratosis and cancer

Laryngeal keratosis is a rare, non-malignant condition of the larynx. It has inflammation of laryngeal mucous membrane with irregular plaque-like patches of excessively keratinized cells. Its symptoms are persistent hoarseness, cough, breathlessness etc. Its main causes are abuse of tobacco or alcohol. But a chronic  keratosis with history of smoking or tobacco abuse can be transformed into laryngeal cancer over a period of some years. Homeopathy medicines can manage laryngeal keratosis well  and prevent it from progressing into laryngeal cancer. Cessation of tobacco and alcohol use are also important.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Homeopathy medicines manage coronary heart disease

Heart diseases are responsible for most of human deaths in the world. Homeopathy medicines are useful in treatment and management of coronary heart diseases in a very cost-effective way. Homeopathy medicines not only clean the blocked coronary arteries but also create natural bypass for critically blocked artery as shown by repeat coronary angiography. Optimally blocked coronary artery which will otherwise require coronary angioplasty is effectively cleaned by homeopathy medicines  and the angioplasty is avoided.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Prostate cancer susceptibility and homeopathy

Various homeopathic body constitutions are susceptible to various chronic illnesses  including cancer. Prostate cancer is a chronic illness of the old age in males. Clinical experiences reveal that Natrum mur, Silicea and Nux vomica constitutions are prone to develop prostate cancer in the old age due to hormonal disorder of testosterone coupled with decline in body's immunity. Maintaining healthy testosterone level
vis-a-vis body's immunity in the old age are  key to keep  prostate cancer away.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cure of prostate enlargement and homeopathy

Benign prostate enlargement is a common problem in elderly male population usually above the age of 60 years. Its symptoms include urinary urgency and frequency, scanty urine, dribbling of urine, interrupted urine, straining at urine, frequnt urination at night. Homeopathy medicines not only relieve urinary symptoms but also cure enlargement of the prostate gland itself by bringing it to normal size. A patient of 50 years of age was presented with enlarged prostate and severe urinary difficulties. Ultrasonography of the prostate  showed an increased size of the gland and its weight to 30.6 gm. His symptoms included very frequent unsatisfactory urination, almost 20 to 24 times a day and particularly aggravated at night. Also interrupted, drop by drop urination. Homeopathy medication over a period of two months completely relieved his urinary symptoms and decreased the size of the prostate gland and brought its weight to 18 gm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Progressive evolution of lung cancer

A 63 year old man was presented with adenocarcinoma of the left lung after being treated with chemotherapy. When the history of his illness was taken it was found that his cancer developed in three marked stages. In the first stage, his immune system was chronically weakened by the recurrent attacks of asthma from which he had been suffering since childhood although he had been taking courses of antibiotic drugs and using inhalers from time to time during the phases of acute attacks. 

In the second stage, came the insertion of carcinogenic metal into his lung system. Professionally, he had been working in the mining areas of chromium, aluminium and copper metals for a period of twelve years. As a result, he had been exposed to dust particles of  carcinogenic metals in his work place. Some of the carcinogenic  particles might not have been expelled by the lungs system and got deeply entrenched into his left lung.

 In an effort to expel the carcinogenic metals by the body, a chronic inflammatory condition would have prevailed  in the cells clustered around the carcinogen. First gene mutation would have occurred in a cell in that cluster because of repeated interaction of the carcinogen with the DNA material.

In the third stage, came the impact of his chain smoking of cigarettes which he used to consume more than
twenty cigarettes a day for several years. The cigarette smokes with large number of carcinogenic chemicals would have reached the inflammatory site of the cells around the carcinogen and caused more mutation in the cell. In this manner, progressively mutated genes could initiate and enhance uncontrolled cell divisions to create his  lung cancer.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Homeopathy medicines prevent polycystic kidney from failing

Sometimes, kidney develops  multiple cysts. The cysts may be inherited or acquired. If the cysts grow in size and numbers over time, they may damage kidney tissues, impair renal fuction or lead to chronic kidney failure. Homeopathy medicines prevent the growth of kidney cysts and damage to renal fuction so that the affected person does not move to the stage of dialysis or kidney transplant.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Homeopathic solution to overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis of cancer

Sometimes, cases of cancer are underdiagnosed or overdiagnosed. Such cases usually fall in the gray area between the small precursors of aggressive lesion and benign tumour. The overdiagnosed (i.e. false positive)
cases if treated with conventional anticancer therapies, the side-effects of the medicines can be enormous or the therapy itself can create a new cancer. On the other hand, if a case is underdiagnosed (i.e. false negative) and no anticancer or preventive treatment are given, cancer may appear in aggressive form some time later.

It is a great dilemma in conventioal medicine. But in such cases, homeopathy provides a tangible solution to the problem because homeopathy medicines act as both curative as well as preventive. The treatment will be curative for false negative cases while preventive for false positive cases as because the homeopathy medicines work on the basis of human  body-mind symptoms and genetic susceptibilities.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Homeopathy medicines prevent severe kidney damage

Proteinuria is an indicator and risk factor for progressive kidney disease. Homeopathy medicines prevent proteinuria affected persons from developing severe kidney damage or renal failure by reversing the clinical proteinuria in a holistic way. A case of clinical proteinuria was brought to normal level in a period of two months under homeopathic medicines.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Homeopathy provides larger prevention for cancer of uterine cervix

Homeopathy medicines provide secondary  prevention  for cancer of uterine cervix in a wide range of female populations who are susceptible to develop this type of malignancy at a later age. Some children,  adolescents or teenagers are found  to carry or contract HPV infections in the form of skin or genital warts. Some adult women also get profuse leucorrhoeal discharges due to persistent  infections even from  early age, which chronically weaken their immune system. A  large group of women can be prevented from developing cervical cancer in future if their warts or leucorrhoeal disharges are treated and cured with homeopathy medicines. The age group of 9 to 25 years should be treated for such prevention. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chronic diseases and curative treatment

Homeopathic miasm besides other characteristics provides  important clues to the process of  curative treatment in a chronic disease. Miasm  is the disease susceptibility which is responsible for continuation and recurrence of a chronic disease. It is almost equivalent of genetic susceptibility of molecular biology. Its consideration along with other vital characteristics is important in search of curative medicine. The disease miasm or the miasm of the constitution  to be treated need to be taken into account while treating chronic diseases. If the miasm is missed, the curative result may be delayed to be  achieved  because of repeated  recurrence of the disease. For example, the tubercular miasmatic medicines are often  indicated to treat and cure chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pharyngitis etc.

Chronic kidney failure and Homeopathy medicines

Chronic kidney  failure is a critical illness that needs continuous management by conventional medicines but beyond certain stage it needs aid of dialysis. Early to middle stage CRF can be managed by homeopathy medication without the aid of dialysis. Homeopathy medicines manage and control such cases often better. Serum creatinine and urea level are not only decreased with homeopathy medication which also stimulates  kidney function and brings an overall well-being of the patient.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cure of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

A late stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma which was treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy relapsed in a year. The patient was in a critical condition.Then, the case was presented to homeopathic management. It was treated, managed  and followed up with homeopathy medicines in a holistic way, leading eventually to  its radical cure without any trace of, or further recurrence of malignancy. On homeopathy management, the person survived  twenty more years today. Homeopathy medicines could give him a new lease of life and a renewed hope to the family.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Why homeopathy medicines are effective in cancer ?

Cancer is a chronic disease which develops  in stages, moving  from insitu to early to late stage. Prior to this, happen DNA damage and gene mutation over a period of time due to interaction between genetic material and environmental factor. Homeopathy medicines are effective in cancer treatment because they cover  symptoms and consequences related to molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms expressed at body-mind-emotion level and approach the recovery process in a holistic way involving local and systemic routes.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cancer metastasis and its homeopathic treatment implications

Cancer cells have a tendency to move to other locations away from its primary site.The process is known as metastasis. It spreads either through blood stream or lymphatic route or both the routes. But its prognosis is poor in either of the three cases. Metastatic cancer cells detach away from their parent tumour and migrate to lesser or longer distance within the body. But there is no specific pattern of their movement which is  erratic and unpredictable.Conventional treatments face problem because of the cells erratic spread and strong medicinal side-effects.  Metastasis of cancer cells without any movement pattern is similar to the pattern embodied in  homeopathic Tubercular miasm which has treatment implications for metastatic cancer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Homeopathy effectively controls diabetes

Diabetes is increasing at alarming rate in the modern world. It is a major risk factor for heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and nerve disorder. It is the leading cause of death after cancer. Due to upwardly mobile life style changes jn population, the illness is taking an epidemic proportion in modern societies. Genetic and environmental factors are responsible for causation of diabetes. According to conventional medicine, it is not curable. But since diabetes is a chronic disease, homeopathy medicines effectively treat, manage, control and prevent diabetes. A middle aged man having diabetes mellitus for several years had blood glucose level: F=240 mg/dl & PP=287 mg/dl on presentation. On  homeopathy medication, after 20 days, his blood glucose level came down to F=132 mg/dl & PP=157mg/dl. It shows  effectiveness and quick response of homeopathy medicines in diabetes treatment.The follow-up continues in a holistic way.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Cancer and Constitutional susceptibility

Human bodies are susceptible to develop various chronic illnesses. Cancer is a chronic illness. Clinical experiences reveal that some particular types of human constitution are prone to develop cancer. In homeopathy, several such body constitutions have been  recognized. Amongst these, some constitutions  are found to be more closely associated with cancer formation than others.

 Homeopathic body constitutions are almost equivalent of human genetic constitutions. According to genetics and molecular biology, some particular genes, namely oncogene and anti-oncogene, are responsible for causing some particular types of cancer. Similarly, according to homeopathy, some body constitutions have their innate susceptibility to develop some particular types of cancer.

For instance, Sepia and Natrum mur constitutions are  prone to develop cancer of uterine cervix from HPV infection. Similarly, Lycopodium constitution is prone to develop hepatic cancer from tobacco and alcohol abuse. On the other hand, Nux vomica and Sulphur constitutions are  prone to develop lung cancer due to excessive use of smoking and drinking. Female Calcarea carb constitution is prone to develop breast cancer due to hormonal disorder. Male Natrum mur constitution on the other hand is prone to develop prostate cancer due to hormone testosterone disorder.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cancer and Mental trauma

It is known how much the illness of cancer affects the mental state of a person.Similarly, it is also interesting to note how a particular state of mind can  influence in some ways the process of cancer evolution. The mental effect of cancer is grossly visible on the face of a suffering patient who undergoes severe mental  anxiety and fear. On the other hand, it is also observed that a persistently traumatic mental condition due to some reasons depressed one's body's  immunity or caused some disorders of hormones or brain chemicals, making a person vulnerable to trigger gene mutation and cancer formation. Clinical experiences reveal  that certain cases of cancer, particularly prostate and breast cancer, have been closely associated with certain traumatic mental states which prolonged over a period of 2 to 3 years.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Homeopathy medicines prevent prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is common in males in their old age. Hormone testosterone level decreases with the increase of age in men, which in turn is associated with the increased  incidences of prostate cancer. There are a few significant controlling parameters for the genesis of prostate cancer. These are: old age, deficiency of hormone testosterone, uncontrolled cell multiplication, tumour formation, causative gene, exposure to carcinogen and mental/emotional trauma. Symptoms develop being related to all these  factors. The  symptoms associated with the causative factors indicate effective homeopathy medicines to treat, manage, cure, control or prevent cancer of  the prostate gland. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homeopathy manages prostate cancer well.

Prostate cancer is responsible for a significant amount of illnesses and death in male population around the world. Early detection does not happen mostly because symptoms of non-malignant prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are almost similar. Remaining unnoticed for a long time when  PSA value reaches very high, the cancer is already in the advanced stage. At this stage, conventional hormonal therapy or chemotherapy are not curative and  their adverse side-effects are also significant. Homeopathy medicines treat and manage these  prostate cancer cases well  in terms of symptoms relief, quality of life, longevity and overall wellness.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cancer therapy and Homeopathy

To understand cancer therapy in homeopathy, we have have to go to the root of the problem of tumour formation. The malignant tumour formation caused by uncontrolled cell division is due to loss of genetic control in a defective, damaged or  mutated gene. The gene defect, damage or mutation can be initiated by a virus, bacteria, carcinogenic substance, hormonal imbalance or weakened immune system. Homeopathic concept of miasm is unique in fundamentally explaining different kinds of cancer formation and their metastasis. It also offers some unique facets of therapeutic solution. Tendency of cancer cell to multiply in excess is a homeopathic copy of Sycotic miasm. Since cancer is a chronic disease, homeopathy provides a range of therapeutic solution for cancer patients depending upon the status of the illness, therapies already undergone, expressed symptoms, vitality of the patient and objective of the treatment plan.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Homeopathy medicines prevent cancer of uterine cervix

Cancer of uterine cervix is a common malignancy in women. Its abundance is only next to breast cancer. The persistent infection by virus HPV is responsible for its trigger in more than 90% cases.  Some early signs of HPV infection are skin or genital warts or other abnormal. skin disorders. The infection is transmitted from men to women. Young children may inherit it from their parents. Homeopathy medicines are very effective in the treatment and cure of skin or genital warts. Once homeopathy medicines successfully treat the warts, the development of cancer in uterine cervix is prevented. If the warts recur, treat them again and prevent future malignancy.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cancer : A chronic disease

Cancer is called a chronic disease. It evolves over a relatively long period of time. It is triggered by some exogenous factors such as virus, bacteria, carcinogen and endogenous factors like hormone disorder or depressed immune system. It is initiated mildly in unseen and unsuspected ways. Then, it progresses slowly and hidingly in the early stage. It becomes virulent in the later stage, letting unbound its malignant cells to spread from primary site to various other locations in the body, a process known as metastasis. Cancer makes the affected person psychologically weak, anxious, fearful and depressed. In the early stage, its symptoms are vague or mixed-up like melange, or similar to that of any other illness. If not diagnosed, treated and cured early, the disease dies only with the death of the affected. Conventional therapies provide  temporary or short term remission for a late stage disease which invariably recurs after the remission period.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lipid disorder well managed by homeopathy

Lipid profile disorder is a  risk factor for heart ailment and stroke. Homeopathy medicines treat and manage this disorder very well to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular ailments. A patient who had his Cholesterol level of 267mg/dl, LDL of 178mg/dl and Triglycerides of 330mg/dl  was on homeopathy medication and after two months of follow-up with homeopathy medicines he regained his normal lipid profile. His hypertension also came down to normal level. Homeopathy medicines play a significant role in management of  lipid profile disorder and cardiac artery diseases.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Homeopathy medicines manage prostate enlargement

Benign prostate enlargment is a common problem in males in their old age. In some cases, it also starts after the age of 50 years. Under conventional medicine, surgery is a major option as there is no curative medicine to reduce BPH. Conventional medicines only reduce the urinary symptoms. On the other hand, homeopathy medicines not only reduce the urinary symptoms and  difficulties but they also decrease the enlarged size and weight of the prostate gland. A significant amount of reduction in its size and weight can be observed through USG scan  in subsequent follow-ups after homeopathy medication.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Manage chronic renal failure with homeopathy medication

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a serious chronic ailment which gradually progresses to the stage of dialysis and then to the stage of kidney transplant, if not treated and prevented in time. Can homeopathy manage such a critical illness? Since CRF is a chronic illness, homeopathy medicines have the potential to treat, manage and turn around such cases if treated timely in a holistic manner. Homeopathy  medicines not only improve the kidney function but also bring an overall  improvement in health condition of the patient. Monitor periodically the status of kidney function and red blood cells through blood tests. In a case of CRF, blood serum creatinine of 10 mg/dl and urea level of 148 mg/dl  on presentation gradually came down to 4.2 mg/dl and 96 mg/dl, respectively, in period of 45 days, on follow-up with homeopathy medicines only. The patient was presented after several sessions of hemodialysis but he was maintained well and improved with  homeopathy medication without any further dialysis which was since discontinued. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Manage diabetes with homeopathy medicines

It is unrealistic to think that homeopathy cannot manage or cure diabetes. You can manage diabetes well with homeopathy medicines if you treat the case in a holistic way. In an established case of diabetes mellitus of two years, PP blood sugar level came down from 325 mg/dl to 168 mg/dl and Fasting blood sugar level down from 186 mg/dl to 114 mg/dl  in a period of 30 days of homeopathy medication. It means that homeopathy medicines are able to stimulate and revive the pancreatic beta cells to produce more insulin and help metabolism.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Genetic influence of liver cancer and its management

In some cases of liver cancer, it is observed that the patient had a history of alcoholism, or a parental  history of alcoholism or  liver carcinoma. So, it is apparent that alcoholism is a closely associated  factor which increases the genetic influence of liver cancer. In  its management with homeopathy, it is observed that even at  advanced stage when surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy are of little help to save the patient, he retains some of the key symptoms of homeopathy medicines which  reduce  aggravation and manage the malignancy in a holistic way to provide better living and longevity.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Holistic healing for cancer patients

Holistic healing is what is needed for cancer patients. They not only face physical problems but also face mental and emotional crisis. Physical problem will be taken care by  homeopathy medicines but the nutritional aspect and mind-emotional suffering (anxiety,fear,lack of self-confidence) need counselling. We need to take care of total wellness of these patients. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

World Health Day

On the World Health Day, our health care policies need a re-look. To provide health care to all in the world, we must utilize the potential of all health care systems to reach each and every individual.  Alternative medicine systems have a large role to play in today's world since a single health care system is not enough to cover all the population and  to cure all the diseases. Homeopathy has treatment potential as well as greater coverage of population across societies, next to conventional medicine. So, it needs to be given a greater role in heath care needs of the people  in every country.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Kidney diseases and Homeopathy

Millions around the world suffer from various kidney ailments. Whether it is a kidney dysfunction, infection or stone formation, homeopathy medicines manage these problems effectively. Majority cases of kidney dysfunction are diabetes-related and hypertension-related problems. Homeopathy medicines are able to maintain these  patients at various stages of kidney dysfunction including advanced renal failure without dialysis. Serum creatinine and urea levels come down significantly with  homeopathy treatment on improvement of kidney function. Overall condition of the patients also improves for better quality living.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

You can manage cancer well with homeopathy medicines

Even at advanced stage of the disease, some cancer patients retain key symptoms of homeopathy medicines. The key symptoms do provide clue to the right kind of medication. Those symptoms can be present in any organ or part of the body. The key medicines manage the cancer patients well for their better living. These medicines can be introduced at any stage of treatment whether before or after conventional therapies like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy or surgical procedures.

Monday, March 26, 2012


' Treatment of chronic renal failure'.
  Chronic renal failure can be treated, well managed, controlled and prevented with homeopathy 
  medicines. Declined  kidney function recovers with homeopathy medication without dialysis. The
  medicines also improve overall health condition of such patient, bringing  in good sleep, appetite,
  bowel  movement, urinary excretion and energy level.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Homeopathy Health Care & Research (HHCR)

Home Page

The HHCR is a specialized, multicare, homeopathy health service centre for treatment, management and cure of several critical and non-critical chronic diseases of humankind. The centre also conducts researches in homeopathy for developments and innovations in medicines, their applications and methodologies. Holistic approaches are adopted while managing the chronic illnesses.

Treatment and management are provided for….

oo Cancer

oo Diabetes (Type-2)

oo Heart ailments (CAD)

oo Hypertension ( High blood pressure)

oo Allergies

oo Asthma

oo Arthritis (Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and psoriatic)

oo Chronic sinusitis /pharyngitis /tonsillitis

oo Migraine

oo Gastrointestinal disorder

oo Kidney stone

oo Gallbladder stone

oo Renal failure (acute and chronic)

oo Ulcers of various locations

oo Piles, fissures and fistula

oo Female diseases

oo Thyroid and other hormonal disorders

oo Skin diseases

oo Hair fall and baldness

oo Prostate enlargement and malignancy

oo Infertility (primary and secondary)

oo Psychiatric disorders

Homeopathy is a safe and an effective alternative therapy. It cures many of the chronic ailments which run for years together and are otherwise incurable in conventional treatment. It is also cost-effective compared to conventional medicine and does not cause any side-effect. It also offers preventive care.