Psychiatric illnesses include mental disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia etc. Depression has low mood, low motivation, low energy and low interest in day to day activities. Bipolar disorder is characterized by depression and manic state, extreme mood swings from low to high or high to low mood. In manic state, there are extreme talkativeness, sleeplessness, high energy, delusion, suspiciousness and even quarrelsomeness. In schizophrenia, there is inability to think, feel or behave appropriately. They are out of touch with reality. There are extreme paranoia, delusion or hallucination. There is laughing or crying inappropriately.
Aurum metallicum person may develop all these psychiatric states or any other constitution may change into these states of Aurum depending on genetics, environment, stress and imbalance in brain chemicals. In Aurum state, there is very deep depression, much deeper than Natrum mur or any other remedy and there is often talk of suicidal thoughts. Aurum state is aggravated in the evening hours while Natrum state is aggravated in the morning hours. Aurum depression is caused by business loss, any other financial loss, lack of achievement in life's ambition, fall in social status, loss of relationship, disappointed love, unbearable insult. It has also manic state. When paranoid, they go into manic state, they are suspicious of any body and everybody including most loved ones, they become hyperactive, slightest of opposition or criticism or effort to give logical reasoning make them irritable, angry, even violent, at this stage they also talk of suicide. They usually commit suicide by jumping off from buildings or bridges. Constitutional Aurums are very conscientious, hard working, responsible, ambitious, introverted and serious minded people but any one can transform into Aurum's psychiatric pathology with time, being battered by causation. Suicidal thoughts in deeply depressed Aurum are not usually expressed and thus remain difficult to follow. Aurum in manic state frankly express their suicidal thoughts and thus warrant immediate medication to ensure relief of the harmful ideation.
At physical level, Aurum has special affinity for the organs of emotion and reproduction like heart, breasts, uterus, ovaries and testicles. There are inflammation, induration, ulceration, tumours and cysts in the reproductive organs. There are ovarian cysts and ammenorrhoea in young girls. There are ulcerative malignancies in women's breasts, painful inflammation and atrophy of testicles.
There are rheumatic heart, aortic sclerosis, hardening, stiffening and narrowing of blood vessels in any part of the body including brain, hypertension, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis. It reduced angina pain, hypertension and tachycardia. There are inflammation and ulceration in the nasal bone, decalcification, pain, weakness, deformity, degeneration and destruction of bone in joints or any part of the body.
Aurum metallicum person may develop all these psychiatric states or any other constitution may change into these states of Aurum depending on genetics, environment, stress and imbalance in brain chemicals. In Aurum state, there is very deep depression, much deeper than Natrum mur or any other remedy and there is often talk of suicidal thoughts. Aurum state is aggravated in the evening hours while Natrum state is aggravated in the morning hours. Aurum depression is caused by business loss, any other financial loss, lack of achievement in life's ambition, fall in social status, loss of relationship, disappointed love, unbearable insult. It has also manic state. When paranoid, they go into manic state, they are suspicious of any body and everybody including most loved ones, they become hyperactive, slightest of opposition or criticism or effort to give logical reasoning make them irritable, angry, even violent, at this stage they also talk of suicide. They usually commit suicide by jumping off from buildings or bridges. Constitutional Aurums are very conscientious, hard working, responsible, ambitious, introverted and serious minded people but any one can transform into Aurum's psychiatric pathology with time, being battered by causation. Suicidal thoughts in deeply depressed Aurum are not usually expressed and thus remain difficult to follow. Aurum in manic state frankly express their suicidal thoughts and thus warrant immediate medication to ensure relief of the harmful ideation.
At physical level, Aurum has special affinity for the organs of emotion and reproduction like heart, breasts, uterus, ovaries and testicles. There are inflammation, induration, ulceration, tumours and cysts in the reproductive organs. There are ovarian cysts and ammenorrhoea in young girls. There are ulcerative malignancies in women's breasts, painful inflammation and atrophy of testicles.
There are rheumatic heart, aortic sclerosis, hardening, stiffening and narrowing of blood vessels in any part of the body including brain, hypertension, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis. It reduced angina pain, hypertension and tachycardia. There are inflammation and ulceration in the nasal bone, decalcification, pain, weakness, deformity, degeneration and destruction of bone in joints or any part of the body.
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