Complementary & alternative medicine is not integrative medicine but it is an important part of it.Integrative medicine puts the patient at the center and employs a personalized treatment for the patient 's unique conditions and it uses the most appropriate interventions from an array of scientific disciplines to heal illness. Disorders such as diabetes type 2,high Cholesterol,alcoholic liver disease,high blood pressure,Obesity can be managed by using alternative medicine alongside conventional treatment.Alternative medicine can provide supportive care in incurable diseases.Preventive medicines are also available in Homeopathy against many diseases such as various types of flu,dengue and other infections that are droplet infections and many vector borne diseases.Cardiovascular diseases,cancers,stroke,Chronic lower respiratory tract diseases,Alzheimer's,Diabetes,Nephritis,Nephrotic syndrome,Influenza,pneumonia are the leading causes of disability in developed countries.(WHO).Many of these conditions can be cured with a holistic approach.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Complementary & Alternative Medicine.
Ayurveda,yoga & naturopathy,Unani,siddha,Homoeopathy.(Ayush)
Dedicated govt.of India Ayush department.
India is the second largest exporter of Ayush products.
8896 Ayush drug manufacturing units.3167 hospitals.
Central council of indian medicine.
5 central councils for research.(one for each system of medicine).
7 national institutes.
2 pharmacopoeia laboratories.
National medicinal plants board.
Dedicated govt.of India Ayush department.
India is the second largest exporter of Ayush products.
8896 Ayush drug manufacturing units.3167 hospitals.
Central council of indian medicine.
5 central councils for research.(one for each system of medicine).
7 national institutes.
2 pharmacopoeia laboratories.
National medicinal plants board.
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